エバンゴルフ Ladies Pouffy Sleeves Polos

エバンゴルフ Ladies Pouffy Sleeves Polos

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エバンゴルフ Ladies Pouffy Sleeves Polos


エバンゴルフ Ladies Pouffy Sleeves Polos










EvanGolf Ladies Pouffy Sleeves Polos LAから新しいゴルフファッションが新登場!! 日本未入荷ブランドです!! ブラック&ホワイトのスイートなかわいいモテゴルフポロ! 胸元のリボンは取り外し可能です。 袖のパフスリーブ&スケ感がたまらなくかわいい! 重くなりがちなポフもシースルーでかろやかな仕上がりになっています。 スコートにもパンツにもかわいい! スパンデックス入りのこの素材のは一度着たら手放せないほど快適! 素材:ナイロン80% スパンデックス20% Made in USA A(胸周り)×B(縦レングス)×C(袖) ※テーブルの上で採寸しています。 S: 約41 x 69 x 19.5cm M: 約45 x 69x 20cm About Evan Golf cling to the body during play or if the clothes are in my way and are not comfortable it interferes play and experience. Evan is made with buttery-soft materials that comfortably hug my body with flattering contour and fit. I call it the True Modern Fit. It was made by carefully thinking about all kinds of scenarios on the green and off-green such as ventilation static weather moisture and ensured that the clothes fight that battle. Then comes the style. Evan is what I can wear through rounds of game on the green to the clubhouse to meetings to movies and to running errands on weekends. I pack them for golf and business because they’re comfortable and made for people on the run but style is not compromised. It’s clothes that can go everywhere and anywhere. And I’m a golfer who is conscious about our environment. Because without green earth there is no golf. A golfer must think about what one can do to pass down the sports and the earth down his or her generations. That alone would be a mission conquered. Evan is made with natural fibers that leave minimum impact on the environment during manufacturing process. It’s all made by the hands of talented professionals sharing this same mission right here in Los Angeles. While we support local industry not shipping goods back and forth around the globe is also our small way of being green. Clothes that look good on younger bodies designed inch by inch to perform effortlessly and naturally while reflecting who I am: I am Game. 商品番号:EVN11000002 商品名:EvanGolf Ladies Pouffy Sleeves Polos

※ 商品説明が英語表記になっている場合もございます。



Top > ウェア > EvanGolf > エバンゴルフ Ladies Pouffy Sleeves Polos