Top > その他 > ScottyCameron > スコッティキャメロン Putting Path Tools w/Windows スコッティキャメロン Putting Path Tools w/Windows商品名スコッティキャメロン Putting Path Tools w/WindowsメーカーScottyCameronカテゴリその他税抜価格13520円税込価格14602円商品説明Scotty Cameron Putting Path Tools w/Windows Always looking for a better way Scotty put his years of Studio research into creating a Putting Path Tool that anyone can use. The concept is simple: Keep the putter face square to the target line at address and impact. Scotty's extensive putting stroke video analysis has shown that within the few inches before and after a normal arcing putting stroke the putter face will swing perpendicular to the target line. The Putting Path Tool is designed to help the player keep the putter face square to that line through the moment of impact. With four tees the Putting Path Tool can be secured to the practice green giving players a tool to help guide the putter head during practice. Start by giving yourself enough room to get used to the new guide and then gradually decrease the space between as you dial in your stroke. Milled from soft aluminum the Putting Path Tool in Titanium Gray won't damage stainless steel when brushed by the putter during practice. Each piece is engraved with Scotty's For Tour Use Only and Circle T markings in translucent red paintfill. These were made for the Tour but Scotty pulled a few making them available to you. 商品番号:SCT12000731 商品名:Scotty Cameron Putting Path Tools w/Windows※ 商品説明が英語表記になっている場合もございます。 その際は、商品をクリックしてください。先のサイトで日本語で表記されています。 Top > その他 > ScottyCameron > スコッティキャメロン Putting Path Tools w/Windows |