Top > その他 > Momentus > モメンタス Weighted Shoulder Turn Vest モメンタス Weighted Shoulder Turn Vest商品名モメンタス Weighted Shoulder Turn VestメーカーMomentusカテゴリその他税抜価格7278円税込価格7860円商品説明The Weighted Shoulder Turn Vest is designed with the golfer in mind. The 5 lb. weights are centered directly over the shoulders to isolate and strengthen the movement of the shoulders throughout the golf swing. The Weighted Shoulder Turn Vest will teach you how to make a better and bigger shoulder turn it will strengthen the key muscle groups in the core and shoulders and create a sense of balance like you’ve never experienced! Whether you’re making practice swings or following the fitness routines provided with the Weighted Shoulder Turn Vest you will be priming the engine for more power! Instructional DVD & Golf Fitness Workout Poster Included 商品番号:mmt000013 商品名:Momentus Weighted Shoulder Turn Vest※ 商品説明が英語表記になっている場合もございます。 その際は、商品をクリックしてください。先のサイトで日本語で表記されています。 Top > その他 > Momentus > モメンタス Weighted Shoulder Turn Vest |