Top > クラブ > Bobby Grace > ボビーグレース パター NYC Tour Amazing Grace Mallet Putters ボビーグレース パター NYC Tour Amazing Grace Mallet Putters商品名ボビーグレース パター NYC Tour Amazing Grace Mallet PuttersメーカーBobby Graceカテゴリクラブ税抜価格28600円税込価格30888円商品説明Bobby Grace NYC Tour Amazing Grace Mallet Putters NYC Tour US Open Winner/Amazing Grace Mallet The NYC Tour US OPEN WINNER already has a Major Championship under its belt. This model is a member of our highly successful “AMAZING GRACE” mallet line. A huge sweet-spot due to our triangle frame with the HSM² insert and 5 weights for maximum custom weighting ability that gives you a real edge on the green. This is the smaller brother to the larger frame that Greg Chalmers won 2 Majors with and is using today to win on the PGA Tour and around the world. The solid combination of a fantastic sightline for easy alignment interchangeable weights and the Tri-Plane sole make this putter a real winner! You’ll be pleased with how the double bend face balanced shaft and the compact head produces a very solid punch and premium roll. New this year is the super durable Blue Steel type 3 hard-coat anodize finish. This cool color and tough as nails coating is a must for the aircraft aluminum heads. Bobby Grace Amazing Grace Mallet Putters 商品番号:BBG0020 商品名:Bobby Grace NYC Tour Amazing Grace Mallet Putters※ 商品説明が英語表記になっている場合もございます。 その際は、商品をクリックしてください。先のサイトで日本語で表記されています。 ![]() Top > クラブ > Bobby Grace > ボビーグレース パター NYC Tour Amazing Grace Mallet Putters |