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Top > クラブ > Seemore > SeeMore Black Gunmetal m5x CS Belly Putters SeeMore Black Gunmetal m5x CS Belly Putters商品名SeeMore Black Gunmetal m5x CS Belly PuttersメーカーSeemoreカテゴリクラブ税抜価格35360円税込価格38189円商品説明SeeMore Black Gunmetal m5x CS Belly Putters ※こちらの商品ははカスタムオーダーとなり、お届けまでにお時間をいただく場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 The m5x is a visually sleek and striking new mallet design 100% milled gunmetal steel with a proprietary multi-layer black gunmetal finish for striking and lasting beauty offered for the player who is most comfortable with the look of a larger center shaft mallet. The m5x features a unique sole design and weight design which optimizes the benefits of SeeMore's patented and proven RifleScope Technology alignment system by allowing the putter to swing on the golfer's natural plane whether that be closer to a natural arc or perceived straight back and straight through stroke. The m5x comes standard with a softer milled aluminum insert. Belly General Information SeeMore's large collection of belly putters are the best choice for any golfer looking to make a commitment to a longer putter. A custom built SeeMore belly putter reinforces all of the main benefits of RifleScope Technology (RST) where the red dot is hidden at all times during a perfect stroke with the putter head releasing naturally and leading to consistently square impact and a perfect roll on every putt. 商品番号:SEE11000048 商品名:SeeMore Black Gunmetal m5x CS Belly Putters※ 商品説明が英語表記になっている場合もございます。 その際は、商品をクリックしてください。先のサイトで日本語で表記されています。 ![]() Top > クラブ > Seemore > SeeMore Black Gunmetal m5x CS Belly Putters |