Top > クラブ > Seemore > SeeMore M Series m9w Putters SeeMore M Series m9w Putters商品名SeeMore M Series m9w PuttersメーカーSeemoreカテゴリクラブ税抜価格33800円税込価格36504円商品説明SeeMore M Series m9w Putters SEEMORE Mシリーズm9wパター!!日本では手に入りにくいアメリカで大人気商品!! 303ステンレスを100%ミルドした安定性に優れたパターです。 小ぶりなマレットパターでソフトな打感が得られた完成度の高いパターです!高慣性モーメントを実現して、最高の打ちやすさを実現しました!! アドレスの安定感が抜群で、センターシャフトによりターゲット方向に構えやすくラインを出しやすくなっているのが特徴! SEEMOREの最高の転がりを是非あなたに!! The m9 is a classic small mallet with a slightly back-of-center shaft. It is the straight shaft option featuring 1/3 toe hang and m9w is the offset version featuring 5 percent toe hang near face balanced. Alignment benefits of RifleScope Technology (RST). 100% milled stainless steel with milled aluminum back cavity insert behind the face of enhanced feel and enlarged sweet spot. The m9/m9w putters also come standard with a softer milled aluminum face insert. Platinum finish. mSeries General Information Exclusive serialized ultra-premium hand-crafted range of putters. Features SeeMore's patented and proven RifleScope Technology (RST) alignment system in a wide variety of shapes and sizes 100% USA precision-milled 303 stainless steel and soft carbon steel plated gunmetal designs with multi-material face and/or back cavity inserts for the ultimate in feel balance consistency and confidence. RST offers golfers the only true reference point for perfect set up and alignment on every putt. All mSeries putters feature an internal milled hosel for complete lie customization before or after purchase and SeeMore's best in class platinum level customer service. The patented RST known by a visible gun sight on the top line allows the golfer to set up the putter perfectly each and every time in relation to the intended target line. Simply line up the black bottom portion of the shaft between two white lines and hide the signature red dot on the heel of the top line. The two parallel white sight lines frame the shaft and serve as an indicator that the golfer is in perfect position to make a consistent and reliable stroke. utters"/> 商品番号:SEE11000040 商品名:SeeMore M Series m9w Putters※ 商品説明が英語表記になっている場合もございます。 その際は、商品をクリックしてください。先のサイトで日本語で表記されています。 Top > クラブ > Seemore > SeeMore M Series m9w Putters |