スコッティキャメロン 2014 GoLo Putters

スコッティキャメロン 2014 GoLo Putters

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スコッティキャメロン 2014 GoLo Putters


スコッティキャメロン 2014 GoLo Putters










Scotty Cameron 2014 (スコッティ キャメロン) スコッティキャメロン 2014 ゴロ パター スコッティキャメロン ファン必見!2014年モデル「スコッティキャメロン 2014 ゴロ パター」の登場です! さらなる打感のやわらかさと、上から見たときの赤い十字のおかげで直進の打ち易さに驚き! 大好評のGoloシリーズがGolo3とGolo7の仲間入り Scotty Cameron Golo3はカルフォルニアシリーズ「デルマー」の遺伝子を受け継いだ感じになっていますね~。 少しマッドなシルバーミスト仕上げもいい感じです!更なる安定感で伸びのある転がりに期待できそうです 「スコッティキャメロン 2014 GoLo パター」初回生産がいつも少ないのでお早めに~! The new Scotty Cameron GoLo mallets feature an elegant but modern easy to align rounded profile and racy soleplate design with Select weighting technology for increased stability. The balanced GoLo design helps reduce the tendency to manipulate the face and allows the stroke to flow naturally. Each of the four models – GoLo 3 GoLo 5 GoLo S5 and GoLo 7 – has a clean tour-preferred appearance that flows from the shaft down through the top line continuing down through the curved back which flows to the ground. The refined mallet shape with a single black sight line helps square the face while the triple-angled sole with a slight camber allows for smooth takeaway. A slightly asymmetric back with a shaved heel promotes the ideal flowing stroke along an inside to square arc with the 6061 aluminum sole plate and Select weighting technology providing exceptional balance stability and roll. GoLo 7 the original GoLo model offers the largest head design with a clean flowing single bend shaft for near minimum toe flow. GoLo 5 features similar construction and performance with a 10 percent smaller head size. GoLo S5 is built with a straight-in near-center shaft for a clean setup with no visible offset. GoLo 3 The newest addition to the GoLo line has the smallest head shape with a heel-shafted flow neck for maximum toe flow a unique combination for a mid mallet-style putter. ModelsLoftLieRH LengthLH LengthToe FlowOffsetStock GripGoLo 33.5°70°33" 34" 35"-Maximum1/2 ShftPistoleroGoLo 53.5°70°33" 34" 35"33" 34" 35"Near Maximum3/4 ShaftPistoleroGoLo S53.5°70°33" 34" 35"-MinimumNonePistoleroGoLo 73.5°70°33" 34" 35"-Near Minimum3/4 ShaftPistolero 商品番号:SCT0878 商品名:Scotty Cameron 2014 GoLo Putters

※ 商品説明が英語表記になっている場合もございます。



Top > クラブ > ScottyCameron > スコッティキャメロン 2014 GoLo Putters