Top > クラブ > House of Forged > House of Forged シャフト ハウスオブフォージド The White Shafts House of Forged シャフト ハウスオブフォージド The White Shafts商品名House of Forged シャフト ハウスオブフォージド The White ShaftsメーカーHouse of Forgedカテゴリクラブ税抜価格29016円税込価格31337円商品説明House of Forged The White Shafts This is our high-end shaft which is offered in various weight and torque ranges in L/A/R/S/X/XX-flexes. All of these shafts incorporate MATRIX’s “HD” technology with the Lady and Senior flexes at just 49-grams while the R/S/X-flexes are in the 65-gram standard weight range and the XX-flex shaft (as used by two-time RE/MAX long-drive champion Jamie Sadlowski) is a super-heavy-weight (90-gram) beast for long-drive types who swing 125-mph+ in their standard length “gamer” driver and who want a heavy weight playing shaft. FlexLengthWeightCpmTorqueBendTipLaunchSwing SpeedA (Senior)46"49g2304.0Mid/LowMedMid/High75-85/mphR46"63g2453.0Mid/HighMedMid85-95/mphS46"65g2553.0Mid/HighMedMid95-105/mphX46"67g2653.0Mid/HighMedMid105-115/mphXX46"90g2802.5HighMedLow115+/mph House of Forged 2013 New シャフト 商品番号:HOF0027 商品名:House of Forged The White Shafts※ 商品説明が英語表記になっている場合もございます。 その際は、商品をクリックしてください。先のサイトで日本語で表記されています。 ![]() Top > クラブ > House of Forged > House of Forged シャフト ハウスオブフォージド The White Shafts |