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Top > クラブ > HONMA > HONMA TOUR WORLD TW717V Irons HONMA TOUR WORLD TW717V Irons商品名HONMA TOUR WORLD TW717V IronsメーカーHONMAカテゴリクラブ税抜価格0円税込価格0円商品説明HONMA TOUR WORLD TW717V Irons 安定した飛距離と抜群な方向性能。 高弾道の飛距離と方向性能が両立。マイルドな打感の軟鉄鍛造一体キャビティー。 Tour World 717 Victory irons traditional cavity backs that offer solid feel contemporary looks and advanced shot control for the professional and top amateur. The mild steel forged cavity back was designed with a larger sweet spot to produce stability in distance and control. This subtle and classic shaping of the cavity back design delivers a solid feel at impact because the weight is where it should be in the club head which produces a strong penetrating trajectory. The lower and deeper COG design makes the long irons more forgiving and accurate. Combine that with a traditional confidence-inspiring looks and you have a incomparable iron head. TW717V irons feature a shallow cavity with an inner cavity muscle behind the impact area short blade lengths and minimal progressive offset for both trajectory and shot shaping control. TW717V irons also feature a slightly wider fuller sole for players who are more aggressive through the ground. 商品番号:HNM0016 商品名:HONMA TOUR WORLD TW717V Irons※ 商品説明が英語表記になっている場合もございます。 その際は、商品をクリックしてください。先のサイトで日本語で表記されています。 ![]() Top > クラブ > HONMA > HONMA TOUR WORLD TW717V Irons |