Top > クラブ > GraphiteDesign > Graphite Design Tour AD BB Shafts Graphite Design Tour AD BB Shafts商品名Graphite Design Tour AD BB ShaftsメーカーGraphiteDesignカテゴリクラブ税抜価格52000円税込価格56160円商品説明Graphite Design Tour AD BB Shafts 先端から中間部分の剛性を強め、シャフト挙動が安定し操作性と方向性を向上。 手元部分が程よくしなる事によって、タイミングが取りやすく振り遅れを感じさせない一体感のある振り抜きを実現。ダウンスイングからインパクトにかけ無駄なくしなり戻り、ロス無くボールに伝わり強弾道を実現。 Accuracy(正確性)とDistance(飛距離)という2つの要素を見事に両立させた、先進の技術とクオリティが多くのプロから絶対的な支持を得ています。今年も最新モデルを加え、より充実したTourADのラインナップは、ツアープロからアベレージゴルファーまで幅広いニーズにお応えします。抜群のコントロール性と驚きの飛距離をぜひTourADで体感してください。 New for 2012 Graphite Design International introduces the newest premium golf shaft in the Tour AD series Tour AD BB “Blue Bullet”. The new Tour AD BB shaft is available in 50 60 70 and 80 gram weights. The Tour AD BB design features an increased stiffness from the tip-to-middle section to provide the player with more stability. The end result is a tighter shot pattern and an increase in ball speed. Tour AD BB was designed with the appropriate amount of flex in the butt section allowing players the ability to load the shaft properly thus creating a sense of power. Tour AD BB shafts will produce a LOW to MID piercing ball flight and reduce spin through impact. The Tour AD BB “Blue Bullet” is the ultimate shaft for 2012. Revolutionary technology design and the most advanced materials are trademarks in all Graphite Design shafts making them the highest quality premium golf shafts on the market today. Validating the company’s “Tour AD” logo all of Graphite Design’s PGA Tour-proven shafts specifically promote “Accuracy and Distance”. These key competitive advantages are helping professional and amateur golfers optimize their games after switching to Graphite Design shafts. Graphite Design continues to be the most dominant shaft on the JGTO Tour and has been for the past nine years. 商品番号:GRH12000042 商品名:Graphite Design Tour AD BB Shafts※ 商品説明が英語表記になっている場合もございます。 その際は、商品をクリックしてください。先のサイトで日本語で表記されています。 Top > クラブ > GraphiteDesign > Graphite Design Tour AD BB Shafts |