Graphite Design Tour AD GT Utility Shafts

Graphite Design Tour AD GT Utility Shafts

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Graphite Design Tour AD GT Utility Shafts


Graphite Design Tour AD GT Utility Shafts










Graphite Design Tour AD GT Utility Shafts やさしく高弾道 ユーティリティー専用シャフト  軽量ながらもしっかりとしたしなりでつかまりの良さを重視したユーティリティー専用シャフト。 Accuracy(正確性)とDistance(飛距離)という2つの要素を見事に両立させた、先進の技術とクオリティが多くのプロから絶対的な支持を得ています。充実したTourADのラインナップは、ツアープロからアベレージゴルファーまで幅広いニーズにお応えします。抜群のコントロール性と驚きの飛距離をぜひTourADで体感してください。 New for 2014 Graphite Design introduces the latest addition to the Tour AD premium line of hybrid golf shafts the Tour AD GT Utility. Designed and manufactured at the Graphite Design Japan factory headquarters the new Tour AD GT Utility shafts are available in six weights of 55g 65g and 75g in R and S flex 85g in R S and X flex and 95g and 105g S and X flex. The lighter weights of 55 65 and 75 grams are based on a wood shaft profile with a softer yet stable feel and mid torque range. The tip sections are more active to produce a mid/high launch condition and to provide the player with greater distance and accuracy. The heaver weights of 85 95 and 105 grams are based on an iron shaft profile with a stiffer tip section for a more penetrating ball flight. The stiffer bend profile will promote a mid-launch condition for precise distance control with minimal dispersion. Material Stiffness Integration MSI is a proprietary design concept by which Graphite Design develops golf shafts. By using a combination of different materials that vary in stiffness and fiber volume we are able to produce the best playing golf shafts available. This combination of materials also reduces vibration giving the golfer shafts that feel better than our competitors. Composite materials consist of two main components graphite fiber and resin. The stiffness of each fiber has an impact on how much vibration is transmitted up the shaft affecting the feel of the shaft. The resin acts more like a sponge absorbing the vibrations creating exquisite feel. Using proprietary design formulas which integrate these materials we able to provide superior performing and feeling golf shafts. You will get PERFECT DISTANCE and PURE ACCURACY with Graphite Design golf shafts. 商品番号:GRH0054 商品名:Graphite Design Tour AD GT Utility Shafts

※ 商品説明が英語表記になっている場合もございます。



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