Top > クラブ > Fourteen > フォーティーン ゴルフ PC555 Irons フォーティーン ゴルフ PC555 Irons商品名フォーティーン ゴルフ PC555 IronsメーカーFourteenカテゴリクラブ税抜価格89142円税込価格96273円商品説明Fourteen PC555 Irons (5-9P) フォーティーン PC555 アイアン 2014年 NEWモデル 最新ポケットキャビティアイアン「フォーティーン PC555 アイアン」の登場です。 フォーティーン PC555 アイアンの特徴はインパクトでクラブフェースがスクエアに戻るように重心距離、深度、位置、角度を最適化! また鋳造アイアンにしてフォージドの打感が得られるよう、超軟鉄素材仕様に!製造工程にもこだわった特別方法を加えたアイアン。 ほんの少しグースが付いていますが、左が気にならない程度に飛球線に向かって真っ直ぐセットできます。 ポケットキャビティアイアンにしてはソール幅が厚すぎないのも魅力ですね。手に残る感触がとても良い打感です! 「フォーティーン PC555 アイアン」 Irons that square up automatically at impact. These irons allow golfers to square up automatically at impact allowing them to improve accuracy and consistency. The PC-555 creates a higher ball flight while maintaining stable spin rates. Each club in the set provides optimum performance stability and distance making these irons incredibly versatile and forgiving for golfers of all skill levels. “AUTOMATIC” DESIGN The PC-555 Irons were designed for golfers with a head speed of 85 – 93mph. We wanted these golfers to be able to swing comfortably without having to worry about technique letting the club do its own work. These irons are so well balanced in terms of CG distance CG depth and CG height that the iron squares up “automatically” at impact and helps the golfer with more accurate shots. POCKET CAVITY STRUCTURE - IRONS They’ve designed the 4-iron through the 9-iron with a pocket cavity structure in order to improve the flight and accuracy of the ball. This pocket cavity structure widens the sweet spot stabilizes spin rates and improves the length as well as consistency of the ball flight. CAVITY STRUCTURE - WEDGE They’ve utilized a cavity structure from the pitching wedge to the sand wedge. This allows for a slightly bigger club head size and creates a better visual transition compared to the middle/long irons. The cavity structure wedges look forgiving and give golfers a boost of confidence from any type of lie. SUPER SOFT ST-22 STEEL The club head of the PC-555 iron is constructed with a super soft steel called ST-22. This material is often used in high quality putters and has a soft forged iron-like feel that helps create exceptional performance. This premium material provides extra softness with a ±1° lie adjustment. The functionality and amazing feel of this iron are a great combination for golfers who want to take their golf game to the next level. #4#5#6#7#8#9PWLoft21°24°27°30°34°38°42°Lie60°60.5°61°61.5°62°62.5°63°Club Length#5/38.5" • HEAD:Super soft steel (ST-22) casting • FINISH:Nickel chrome plated satin finish (a portion of the back face is mirror-finished) • IRONS:# 4- 9 (pocket cavity structure) P P/A A. S (cavity structure) • SHAFT:N.S.PRO 950GH HT Steel shaft(R/S) 商品番号:FTN0098 商品名:Fourteen PC555 Irons※ 商品説明が英語表記になっている場合もございます。 その際は、商品をクリックしてください。先のサイトで日本語で表記されています。 Top > クラブ > Fourteen > フォーティーン ゴルフ PC555 Irons |