Top > クラブ > Edel Golf > Edel Signature Series Wedges Edel Signature Series Wedges商品名Edel Signature Series WedgesメーカーEdel Golfカテゴリクラブ税抜価格18720円税込価格20218円商品説明Edel Signature Series Wedges エデール Signatureシリーズ ウェッジ Edel Golfは、プロやトップアマを中心としたゴルファーに特注!カスタムでの軟鉄クラブだけを展開しているUSAメーカー。 高品質、打感、デザインに相当こだわったブランドです。 「エデール Signatureシリーズ ウェッジ」はゴルファーのスイングタイプによって、「ウェッジのスペックを変えるべき!」という、21通りものスペックあり!驚きです。 必ずあなたに合う最適のウェッジが見つかるかも~!? PGA各ツアーでのプロモーションを開始し、使用者増中の鍛造ウェッジ 「エデール Signatureシリーズ ウェッジ」大人気の予感が!? 幅広いゴルファーにオススメです! After over a decade of research and development with renowned PGA instructor Mike Adams Edel Golf has created a line of wedges that combine industry leading technology and old world craftsmanship. Edel wedges are offered in 46° to 64° lofts and three grind configurations that allow players choose a wedge that encourages proper turf interaction based on individual swing characteristics. Every Edel wedge is made of 304 stainless steel hand ground to a precise weight by an Edel Master Craftsman. グラインド Sweeper (SWP) • Bounce: Low • Sole width: Wide with minimal camber • Swing type: Fits players with a very shallow angle of attack who sweep the ball off the turf and rarely take a divot. Helps avoid thin shots. Picker (PKR) • Bounce: Low • Sole width: Narrow with minimal camber • Swing type: Fits players with a shallow angle of attack who rarely take a divot or take a small divot in front of the ball. Helps avoid thin shots. Nipper Narrow (NPN) • Bounce: Low to medium • Sole width: Narrow with moderate camber • Swing type: Fits players with a shallow angle of attack who take a small even depth divot. Nipper Wide (NPW) • Bounce: Low to medium • Sole width: Narrow with high camber • Swing type: Fits players with a moderately steep angle of attack who take a medium depth divot. Pincher (PNR) • Bounce: Medium • Sole width: Wide with minimal camber • Swing type: Fits players with a very shallow angle of attack who sweep the ball off the turf and rarely take a divot. Helps avoid thin shots. Trapper (TRP) • Bounce: Low • Sole width: Narrow with minimal camber • Swing type: Fits players with a shallow angle of attack who rarely take a divot or take a small divot in front of the ball. Helps avoid thin shots. Driver (DVR) • Bounce: Low to medium • Sole width: Narrow with high camber • Swing type: Fits players with a very steep angle of attack who take a large deep divot. Digger (DGR) • Bounce: Very High • Sole width: Wide dual sole with a central channel • Swing type: Fits players with the most aggressive angle of attack who take excessively large and deep divots. 商品番号:EDL0005 商品名:Edel Signature Series Wedges※ 商品説明が英語表記になっている場合もございます。 その際は、商品をクリックしてください。先のサイトで日本語で表記されています。 ![]() Top > クラブ > Edel Golf > Edel Signature Series Wedges |